
On this Day | 25 April 2018

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“On this day 103 years ago, Australians and New Zealanders fought side by side, landing in a place far from their homelands; a place that would become known as ANZAC Cove.

Though the Gallipoli Campaign would end nine months later, those that survived would be joined by more reinforcements to fight for another three years until the guns finally fell silent on the 11th November 1918.

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On land, sea and air, from a nation of less than five million, 62,000 gave their lives in an Australian uniform. A further 155,000 were wounded or imprisoned. From a nation of around one million people, around 18,000 New Zealanders were killed and more than 40,000 wounded. Today Anzac Day goes beyond the anniversary of the landing on Gallipoli in 1915. It is the day on which we remember all Australians who served and died in war and on operational service. The spirit of Anzac, with its qualities of courage, mateship, and sacrifice, continues to have meaning and relevance for our sense of national identity.


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